Protection & Indemnity

Club financial summary

Basis of financial analysis

The main aim in the Willis Towers Watson analysis of club report and accounts has been consistency. Although there are still variations between the way clubs report, we try as far as possible to compare ‘like with like’ and to apply the same approach year after year.

A glossary of terms is provided below.

Glossary of terms

Calls and Premiums All calls (gross basis, including brokerage)
Reinsurance Premiums All reinsurance premiums
Operating Expenses All general management, administrative and audit expenses (not including claims management costs)
Operating Income Calls, less reinsurance costs, less expenses
Gross Paid Claims Paid gross claims, including Pool contributions (including claims management costs)
Net Paid Claims Gross paid claims less reinsurance and Pool recoveries
Net Change in Provision for Claims Change in net estimated outstanding claims
Net Incurred Claims Net paid claims plus change in provision for claims
Technical Surplus (Deficit) Operating Income less Net Incurred Claims
Investment Income All investment income, including exchange gains/losses, tax etc
Overall Surplus for Year (Deficit) Incurred technical surplus (deficit), plus investment income
Net Assets Total assets, less creditors, less miscellaneous provisions for taxation etc
Net Outstanding Claims Total net estimated outstanding claims
Free Reserves (Including Forecast Deferred Calls) Net assets, less outstanding claims

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